Barrington Education Foundation

Championing extraordinary Educational Opportunities Within Barrington Public Schools

Our Impact

Annual Giving

Through generous donations, innovative projects are funded to enhance learning for years to come.

Teacher Appreciation

Honor your teachers, staff, and administrators in December and June with a STAR recognition and give back to Barrington Public Schools. It’s the perfect gift that pays it forward!

Community Ties

BEF unites local businesses and citizens to support our students. Watch what a difference we can make while working together!

Our Core Values

Since 1992, BEF has worked to support Barrington schools’ teachers and students by providing them tools, programs, and opportunities that enrich the learning experience. BEF looks to award funding for initiatives that have a broad reach across student population, longevity and sustainability, and strive to enhance what is available to our students beyond the scope of the district budget. Join us in our mission to champion extraordinary educational opportunities today! #BEFGrants #Extraordinary


Decades of dedication to student success!


Investing in innovative school programs!


Grants fueling teacher creativity!


“The BEF grant made our community garden thrive, fostering deeper learning and connections. We are proud to donate each harvest to Tap-in. This project wouldn’t have been possible without the generous support of BEF!”


“Barrington Education Foundation is a true partner with the Barrington Public School Libraries. BEF has provided innovative technology that challenges our students to think, create, and collaborate. As one of our Seniors said, ‘BEF makes learning in our Library awesome!’

“The BEF grant made our vision of having Calming Corners at Hampden Meadows in each learning space a reality!  Immediately we noticed an impact! We are so grateful to BEF and their continued support of our ideas.”

Get in Touch

Feel free to reach out to us with any inquiries, suggestions, or collaborations. We’re here to help!